ld padsyn v1.02 (C) 2001 Lauri Koponen subtractive synth 0. Version history ------------------- v1.02 fixed LFOs while machine not generating output fixed syncing fixed/added some texts v1.01 fixed subosc waveform v1.0 initial release 1. General chat ---------------- i know there are quite a few bugs in the machine, but if it crashes, mail me and i'll try to fix it. the bugs concerning then FM algos are old news, consider those as "features". ;) generating the waveforms takes a while on slower computers, go for a cup of coffee while waiting it to initialize. feel free to mail me if you like or hate the machine, or if you have any ideas for additions.. all feedback is welcome! 2. Very short tutorial about the phasemod system ------------------------------------------------- Both main oscillators (osc1 and osc2) have support for simple "phase modulated waveform mixing". By setting the O(1/2)PType parameter to 'Sub' or 'Mul', the synth generates two waveforms instead of one, with phase difference of O(1/2)PShift. If OxPType is 'Sub', output is wave1 - wave2, and if OxPType is 'Mul', output is wave1 * wave2. Try this with some oscilloscope plugin (Geonik's Visualization) to see how the waveform is affected. To generate PWM pulse wave, set osc1 or osc2 waveform to Saw, PType to Sub, and alter pulse width with PShift. PShift can be controlled also with the LFOs. Osc2 phase shift affects the osc2 phase even if O2PType is set to 'None'. This can be used with for example FM to get different waveforms. 3. FM and FM modes ------------------- Osc2 always modulates Osc1 frequency. There are a few FM modes. I think 'Sub' is the way Reason (by Propellerheads) does FM, but 'Mul' is a "more correct" FM algo. 'Add' and 'Sub' just change osc1 phase, while 'Mul' actually changes the oscillator frequency. There are known stability problems with high FM values with high frequency signals. - ld0d at kolumbus dot fi